Friday, May 31, 2013

Paleo On a Budget: Anyone Can Do It!

Today starts day 9 of weaning myself into Paleo. It should really be day 11 but Saturday and Sunday were spent devouring Reese’s Funnel Cake and Fried Kit Kat Sundae at Hershey Park (because what better way to celebrate a whole week of Paleo than stuffing your face with decidedly NON-Paleo foods?). 

But why did I start this blog? Basically, I’ve decided that my diet needs to change. Badly. And I need to do it as affordably as possible. I mean, I sure as hell can’t afford to spend a couple hundred bucks on groceries every time I shop. Meat is not free, and veggies don’t come cheap. So here I’m going to show you how I’ll manage to keep my grocery budget between $200-300 a month, or roughly $100-150 every 2 weeks. Along the way, I’ll explain why I think Paleo is the way to go (both for your body’s and your wallet’s health), cook up some yummy Paleo recipes, and talk about fun fitness stuff to work out the extra energy I (and you) find myself with as I continue my healthy Paleo lifestyle journey.

If you’re like me you live in suburbia or urbana, are trying to work up your savings, and want to get healthy. But you’re worried that you won’t be able to afford all the stuff on the Paleo diet. Or you’re super popular and everyone you know wants to hang out and grab a couple of (non-Paleo) drinks at restaurants that scoff at the mere mention of Paleo. So you’re worried that you can’t be 100% Paleo 100% of the time. That’s OK. Work with what you can, as often as you can. 80% Paleo is better than 0% Paleo. But I’ve listed below the 5 Major Savings Tricks of Paleo on a Budget that I’ve discovered in just the first week of switching to the diet.

The 5 Major Savings Tricks of Paleo on a Budget:

1) Bonus Cards & Savings Days at local grocery stores
2) Ethnic Stores, Farmer's Markets, and Local butchers/purveyors
3) Planning Ahead & Pre-making Meals
4) Freezing Foods, especially Meats, for storage
5) Fun Fitness withOUT a gym membership[1]

There you have it! The main point of this blog is to explore how the Paleo diet can be done on a budget, and how anyone can get healthy and fit no matter what the cost. :-)

[1] NOTE: While I have a gym membership (I was lucky enough to get a corporate discount on top of the discount the local Gold’s Gym was already offering), I don’t always need it. If you walk outside and take a look around, there is a world’s worth of equipment you can use. Not to mention the most important piece of equipment: YOU.